What I'm Currently Listening To

Now I'm only going to start with a small list, because I could sit here all night, scrolling through my iTunes and listing every band that makes me happy when I listen to them (and there are A LOT). My top nine are actually part of my car playlist that I just HAVE to listen to whenever I'm out driving. Most of these bands I have only just started listen to, but I'm already obsessed with these songs!

Top 9:
Wage War - Low
Gideon - No Love/No One
Sylar - SHOOK!
Blood Youth - Spineless
Gideon - Champions
Beartooth - Disease
Architects - Doomsday
Black Peaks (the whole All That Divides album)
Bring Me The Horizon - Nihilist Blues

I actually have my dad to thank for a lot of the bands I listen to. He introduces a lot of new bands to me on a weekly basis and takes me to see quite a lot of them live. But, I must also add that there are a few bands/artists I listen to that he had no influence in and he questions me daily to why I like it/them. For example; anything pop or Bring Me The Horizon's newest album 'Amo'.

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